CGI 2D Animated Short Film: Broken Being: Prequel Animated Short Film by Deedee Animation. Featured on CGMeetup Grieving for his loving wife who mysteriously passes away, a loyal husband goes on a dangerous journey from his peaceful Tranquil Haven to find Paradise - the place of the Gods, in hope of reuniting with the love of his life. ‘Broken Being: Prequel’ is a standalone short animated film, originally produced as an introduction to the fundamental concepts of the story world. Upon its release, it has received recognition by the international film industry, selected and featured at several film festivals worldwide, and a winner award for the best 2D animated film at KHEM Animation Film Festival. It was also officially featured on ‘Trending’ of the iFlix streaming service. DeeDee Animation Studio contact@ SUBSCRIBE to CGMeetup for more inspiring content! Watch More CGI & VFX Animated Short Films: VFX Breakdowns, Making of & Behind the Scene: FOLLOW US: Website: YouTube Facebook Twitter Google Cgmeetup Dailymotion Pinterest Instagram WANT TO GET FEATURED? All CGI artists, studios or schools who would like their work featured or published on CGMeetup please apply below. We’re looking for short films, commercial spots, breakdowns, showreels etc. Submit here → Contact us here → info@ or info@ Please Note: All videos are uploaded after written copyright permission from respected Artists, Studios or Schools Or part of the Creative Commons license. For more details or to dispute please contact us at info@ or info@ ABOUT CGMeetup: CGMeetup is the #1 inspiration resource for all CGI, VFX, 3D and Digital artists. We feature a wide variety of CGI content including behind-the- scenes, vfx breakdowns, short films & showreels. CGMeetup also serves as networking resource for CGI Professionals. Professionals use CGMeetup to exchange ideas, knowledge & job opportunities. CGI Animated Short Film: “Broken Being: Prequel“ by Deedee Animation | CGMeetup CGMeetup #cgi #animation #animated #3d #shortfilm #short #animatedshortfilm
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