In his animated historical documentary we will describe the Battle of Königgrätz (Konnigratz) of 1866 (also known as Sadowa), which decided the fates of the Austro-Prussian War (Seven Weeks’ War) and the Third Italian War of Independence. This war became a part of the German and Italian Unification Wars (Risorgimento). The effects of the French Revolution, Napoleonic Wars and Revolutions of 1848 on the situation in Europe, the ascendance of Prussia via the works of Otto von Bismarck, Helmuth von Moltke and Albrecht von Roon and the Schleswig Wars. Check out our previous videos on German history - Battle of Hohenfriedberg: Support us on Patreon: or Paypal: Check out our Merch Store: We are grateful to our patrons and youtube members, who made this video possible: This
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