A segment from the long running Australian music TV series Countdown, which aired on the ABC from 1974-1987. This particular segment aired during the Countdown episode which originally aired on January 17, 1982, on the ABC. This clip features an interview of British singer Rod Stewart conducted by Countdown Talent Co-Ordinator Molly Meldrum. The interview begins with Rod trying to get Molly to take off his trademark Stetson (and not Akubra as is commonly assumed) hat for the interview (which Molly says is his 'Director's hat'), and generally stirring Molly up. The interview segment then alternates back and forth from the present interview, to one they recorded earlier that day, which Rod calls depressing. Molly congratulates and asks Rod about the success of his most recent album 'Tonight I'm Yours'. Molly also asks Rod about getting a new band. Molly also asks Rod about his song-writing methods. Molly and Rod then discuss his disappointment with his 1980 album 'Foolish Behaviour'. They then discuss t
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