CGI 3D Animated Short Film: Dassie Animated Short Film by The Animation School. Featured on CGMeetup An unlikely friendship between a clumsy meerkat and an overly quiet dassie is tested by the harsh environment of the beautiful, yet unpredictable Kalahari Desert. Desperately in search of scraps, our peculiar meerkat, will stop at nothing to ensure the survival and protection of his beloved furry companion. Even if this means facing the savage claws of the Kalahari’s most wanted, secretary bird. Credits - The Animation School Digital Artists: Kayley Wagner, Tiaan Truter, Simone Oosthuizen, Abdullah Akram, Kenza Fakira, Mart-Mari Nieuwoudt, Matthew Freitas, Tyrone Minnie, Jody-Reece Jansen. Sound Design: Keagan Higgins Music Production: Maike Watson SUBSCRIBE to CGMeetup for more inspiring content! Watch More CGI & VFX Animated Short Films:
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