Bruges Lace Crochet is an easy technique inspired by Belgian and Bobbin Lace techniques. You’ll be surprised how easy this is! Signed copies of Learn Bruges Lace (within the USA only): use the shop tab at Unsigned copies of Learn Bruges Lace: Amazon link: Learn Bruges Lace. =sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1524653809&sr=8-1&keywords=Learn Bruges Lace&dpID=51o2cbpsmyL&preST=_SX218_BO1,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch I am SOLD OUT of Marvelous Crochet Motifs from my own inventory, but you can find a few here on Amazon. Marvelous Crochet Motif’s Link: Share a virtual cup of coffee? If you like this content, please watch the videos and ads, click subscribe and like, buy patterns (below), sign up for the newsletter at and consider making a donation on SuperChat on live streams! Thank you! My Patreon levels: Ellen Gormley Crochet Patterns: Gormley&utm_medium=affiliate&a_aid=07b9b78e KnitPicks Yarns and supplies: My Crochet BOOKS: Designer, author, teacher, coach, Ellen Gormley teaches crochet, shows the latest yarns, and offers insider tips on the yarn industry. Visit my blog, coaching and inspiration pages, and store at I read the comments! Make topic suggestions in the comments.
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