Beware of getting trapped buying insurance! Buy insurance, not like you buy credit that you can use after paying. Buying insurance is not like buying fried food for Rp. 10,000 which you immediately enjoy without needing to be told how to eat it. You cannot use or benefit from insurance immediately after you have paid the insurance premium. Insurance will pay your compensation or losses when you experience a disaster or disaster that you did not expect in the future. So new insurance can be enjoyed in the future, not immediately. Insurance is a contract or agreement that contains various conditions and requirements that you must understand before you can enjoy and benefit from the premium money you pay. You must read and understand the policy manual, so you can use the policy correctly. It’s really not easy to understand the coverage contract called an insurance policy, so you have to take the time to study it. If necessary, ask for help from the insurance consultant you use. There have
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