“Fast Times at Ridgemont High“ is a coming-of-age comedy-drama film released in 1982, directed by Amy Heckerling and written by Cameron Crowe. The movie is based on Crowe's book of the same name, which he adapted from his own experiences while undercover at a real-life high school to capture the essence of teenage life in Southern California. Synopsis: The film follows the lives of several high school students at Ridgemont High School in California as they navigate the challenges of adolescence, friendships, love, and self-discovery. Stacy Hamilton (Jennifer Jason Leigh) is a naive freshman who, eager to fit in, becomes friends with the experienced and promiscuous Linda Barrett (Phoebe Cates). Stacy is determined to lose her virginity and begins dating Mark Ratner (Brian Backer), a shy and awkward sophomore. Mark, who works at the mall, is also trying to find his way through high school. Meanwhile, Stacy's older brother, Brad (Judge Reinhold), is a popular senior
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