This nomadic film, with a story full of deep emotions and inspiring messages, depicts the life of Narges, the mother of her only two children, Jahan and Jiran, in a hut in the mountains. After separating from her husband and entering the single world, Narges faces life’s challenges. But despite the loneliness and hardships that accompany her, Narges continues to hope for the best in life. One of the main attractions of this story is the emotional relationship between Nargis and Rasool. These two people were going to get married, but for some reasons it was not possible. Despite this, the loyalty and attention Rasool and his family show to Nargis and their children shows friendship and human commitment in difficult situations. Finally, this story ends with the presence of Rasool and his family at the Nowruz celebration. This beautiful moment is a symbol of hope and change in the lives of Nargis and her children. This story emphasizes that supporting each other and trying to improve life is al
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