**Videos coming out at least every few weeks... Audio from disc 2 of the “Maison Ikkoku Anime Theme Song & Character Song Complete Works ( BGM)“ CD. Scans are from various magazines I’ve collected. Some of the scans: Tracklist: 0:00 01 ブリッジその5 (Bridge No. 5) 0:12 02 春 (Spring) 3:12 03 夕暮 (Evening) 4:20 04 千鳥足 (Zigzag Footsteps) 4:51 05 夏の雲 (Summer Clouds) 6:31 06 冬 (Winter) 7:10 07 悲しみ (Sorrow) 8:29 08 雨やどり (Shelter from the Storm) 9:05 09 ひとりの夜 (Alone in the Night) 9:41 10 ブリッジその11 (Bridge No. 11) 10:06 11 夢の中 (In a Dream) 11:20 12 秋 (Autumn) 13:28 13 不思議なお客 (Strange Guest) 14:03 14 雨あがり (After the Rain) 14:48 15 不気味な気配 (A Weird Sign) 15:25 16 帰り道 (The Way Home) 18:02 17 かけ足 (At a Run) 18:38 18 夜の雨 (Rain in the Night) 20:15 19 虹 (Rainbow) 21:02 20 真夜中の訪問者 (Visitor in Middle of the Night) 22:05 21 もの想い (Meditation) 24:14 22 暁に鐘は鳴る (Bells Ring in the Dawn) 27:47 23 惣一郎さん!! (Soichiro-san!!) 29:03 24 お弁当とホウキ (Bento and Broom) 30:11 25 朱美のハブラシ (Akemi’s Toothbrush) 31:38 26 陽だまりの告白 (Declaration on a Sunny Spot) 34:13 27 一の瀬さんは今日も行く (Ichinose Will Come Today Too) 35:27 28 テニスボールと噂話 (Tennis Ball and Rumors) 36:18 29 事件 (Incident) 37:03 30 坂の途中の一番星 (The First Star on the Way to the Hill) 40:44 31 三鷹・五代!! (Mitaka - Godai!!) 41:23 32 願い (A Desire) 41:59 33 キッスのある情景 (A Certain Kiss Scene) 43:03 34 梅酒婆あ (Grandma’s Plum Wine) 44:09 35 行きがけの駄犬 (A Bad Dog on His Gait) 45:07 36 弱虫 (Crybaby) 46:12 37 帰らざる彼 (He Has to Come Back) 47:15 38 夢一夜 (A Dream, One Night) 48:27 39 四谷の思惑 (Yotsuya’s Thoughts) 49:19 40 宴会謝絶 (Banquet Denial) 49:57 41 複雑夜 (Intricate Night) 50:51 42 響子さん・・・!! (Kyoko-san...!!) 51:49 43 愛・夜明け前 (Love, Before the Dawn)
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