A well known prayer to the Holy Spirit from the Byzantine Christian tradition. It is prayed before each Divine Liturgy and at different parts in all of the Hours of the Divine Office. It is part of the “regular prayers“ along with the Our Father, etc. The only time it isn’t taken in these services is from Easter to the Feast of Pentecost, when the focus is on the presence of the risen Christ among us. Царю Небесный, Утешителю, Душе істини, Иже везде сый и вся исполняяй, Сокровище благих и жизни Подателю, прииди и вселися в ны, и очисти ны от всякия скверны, и спаси, Блаже, души наша. Heavenly King, Advocate, Spirit of Truth, who are everywhere present and fill all things; Treasury of blessings, bestower of life, come and dwell within us, cleanse us of all that defiles us, and save our souls O gracious one.
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