Dive into the heart of Lagos with “The Mysteries of Ifá Divination,“ a captivating story about Jide, a young boy with an insatiable curiosity and a deep love for adventure. This remarkable tale unfolds as Jide’s life takes a pivotal turn with the arrival of his grandmother, Mama Ngozi, from the ancestral village of Ile-Ife. A respected elder in their community, Mama Ngozi introduces Jide to the rich traditions of the Yoruba religion, Ifá, sparking a journey of discovery, wisdom, and self-growth. Jide’s fascination with the Orishas, the divine deities of Ifá, and the sacred tools of divination, such as the Opele and Ikin, draws him into the profound depths of this ancient practice. Through Mama Ngozi’s teachings, he learns about the significance of truth, wisdom, respect, and the critical principles of balance and harmony in life. As Jide applies these age-old values to his everyday experiences, starting with resolving a conflict among his school friends, he b
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