“Double check for double meanings. I’m a man who’s got very specific taste.“ -- Honestly, wangxian owns me right now and I wanted to practice with more effects in Sony Vegas/Adobe. ALSO, exciting news: ya girl isn’t working at the moment and is, instead, focusing on a creative career as a freelance writer/artist. It would mean SO MUCH to me if ya’ll could drop a follow on my Instagram! Feel free to come cry with me over wangxian on Twitter too. I’ll be looking to open commissions soon once I hit a certain follower-count. :) Twitter: Instagram: Footage: Mo Dao Zu Shi Song: Inspiration: (0:00 - 0:25) -- Like what you see? Please consider donating me a coffee so I can continue to create! Ko-fi: #mdzs #modaozushi #wangxian
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