Experience our captivating animated teaser exploring Nivellen's haunting tale from the Witcher universe. Directed by Edward Kurchevsky and featuring our talented school students, this European anime-style adaptation of 'Grain of Truth' reveals Nivellen's transformation and redemption. Subscribe to our channel for updates on our Witcher fan project! Lihtar Studio (YouTube): @LihtarStudio Lihtar Studio (Instagram): Website: Start your journey in 2D animation with the Animation Club School🚀 Free course on 2D animation for beginners: Professional courses on traditional 2D animation: Join our group to participate in Animation Nights New York: 🌐 Learn More: 🚀 School website: ⚡ Facebook: 🤝 Discord: 🔝 Instagram: #CGIAnimation #2DAnimation #Teaser #2D
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