


Tro (nden) eller laggrningar (dden) - var och en mste vlja. Religiositet leder till dden!

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”Då vi nu har blivit rättfärdiggjorda av tro, har vi frid med Gud genom vår Herre Jesus Kristus. Genom honom har vi också fått tillträde genom tron till denna nåd som vi står i, och vi gläder oss i hoppet om Guds härlighet. Och inte bara det, utan vi gläder oss också i lidandet, eftersom vi vet att lidandet ger tålamod, och tålamod erfarenhet och erfarenhet hopp.” Romarbrevet 5 : 1 - 4 SRB16 ”Jag är korsfäst med Kristus och jag lever, men inte längre jag, utan Kristus lever i mig. Och det liv jag nu lever i köttet, det lever jag i tro på Guds Son, som har älskat mig och utgivit sig själv för mig.” Galaterbrevet 2 : 20 SRB16 Paulus och alla troende korsfästes med Kristus för att dö till synden, lagen och “denna nuvarande onda tidsålder“ (Gal 1:4). Medan troende lever fysiskt, lever Kristus också andligt inom dem. Kristi uppståndelsekraft genom Anden utarbetas genom den kristne (se Rom. 6:4–11) som väljer att leva i tro på Guds Son. This evil people, which refuse to hear my words, which walk in the imagination of their heart, and walk after other gods, to serve them, and to worship them, shall even be as this girdle, which is good for nothing. Jeremiah 13:10 God is very angry, about the the current state of our world and the direction it is going. God is very unpleased about the number of unbelievers in this world who not only refuse to acknowledge Him as their creator, they refuse to acknowledge that He even exists. This has resulted in many unbelievers living their life day by day not even realizing how they got here, why they are here or even taking a second to thank God for the gift of life. They struggle day by day and make one bad decision after another. The choices they make are dictated by the devil and as a result their actions are saturated with greed, anger, temptation and self pride. These very same unbelievers refuse to take time to talk to God or seek Him for help, but they will be the first to wonder why their daily life is a constant struggle. These are the people who need God and they need your help to preach the Good news about God’s Word to them. God is also not pleased with the way His young children are being raised. They are not being taught about God and the importance of His word in their daily lives. Their hearts and minds are not being instilled with all of the very important morals, values, ethics, standards, and life principles that come with a good Christian upbringing. God tells us in Proverbs 22:6: “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.“ We must start teaching our children the truth about God and the correct lessons in life according to His word. To God, His children are His children forever, regardless of their age and regardless if they believe in Him or not. Jesus Says: Don’t Skip if You Love me | god message for you today: Min profil på VK: E-mail: “at“ Min spellista på Tidal - Lord You are Holy: Samma spellista på Spotify (uppdateras ej då jag bytt till Tidal): Min mission är att befria människor ifrån syndens och dödens makt och visa vägen in i Guds eviga rike. Helgelsen blir en konsekvens, en frukt av frälsningen, pånyttfödelsen och den dagliga gemenskapen med Gud. Konto i Nordea för de som önskar ge en gåva till mitt ministry (märk insättningen “donation“): Clearingnr: 3300 Personkonto: 611020-5595, alternativt Swish på 371 273 01 983

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