Thank you all for watching! Please take a look to the INFOBOX for more ♥ Lieben Dank für’s Zusehen - Werft einen Blick in die Infobox ♥ ----------------------- Thank you in advance for your support, which is giving me the freedom to create more videos. MY DOWNLOADTUTORIALS for ABSTRACT paintings and About my techniques/ MEINE DOWNLOADTUTORIALS für ABSTRAKTES malen und meine TECHNIKEN: ♥ if you need the VIDEO in ENGLISH LANGUAGE: ♥ wenn Du VIDEOS in DEUTSCHER Sprache möchtest: ♥ FLORAL tutorial/ FLORALES Tutorial: There is one ENGLISH version, and the german one. The predrawing as PDF is included. -------------------------♥------------------------- ♥ Sponsors use/ for donation use/ Unterstützung oder Dankeschön für den Kanalinhalt: --------------------------------------------------
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