Title: “The Enigmatic Journey of Feline Domestication“ The domestic cat, with its endearing charm and captivating independence, has been our beloved companion for thousands of years. But when and how did these enigmatic creatures become domesticated? Cats first intertwined with human history around 9,000 years ago in the Near East. Their partnership likely emerged when humans transitioned from a nomadic to an agricultural lifestyle. As people began storing surplus grains, they unintentionally attracted rodents, which, in turn, drew wildcats. Over time, a mutually beneficial relationship developed. Cats provided pest control services, curbing the rodent population, while humans offered food and shelter. As generations passed, cats gradually adapted to coexist with humans. Unlike dogs, who were actively bred for specific traits, cats largely domesticated themselves through natural selection, favoring traits that made them more sociable and less fearful of humans. This proce
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