“The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf“ takes fans back in time to an era before the events of the acclaimed “Witcher“ series. The all-new animated film focuses on Vesemir, the witcher who trained Geralt of Rivia. Young and arrogant, Vesemir makes good coin traveling to villages and killing monsters, but all that changes when he's thrust into a journey with the mysterious Tetra Gilcrest. With thrilling battles, terrifying monsters, and a captivating story of vengeance and redemption tying it all together, “The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf“ is a treat for fans and newcomers alike. But fans especially will have a lot of fun finding the Easter eggs hidden in the film. Here are some of the best Easter eggs you might have missed in “The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf.“ Fun parallels | 0:00 Tragic history | 1:28 A morbid prediction | 2:27 Last survivors | 3:28 Subscribe: Find Netflix Film Club on: ϶
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