you can find the text here: And he cometh unto the disciples and findeth them asleep, and saith unto Peter, What, could ye not watch with me one hour? Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. Matthew 26:40-41 For centuries, followers of Christ have felt remorse for the disciples that they did not keep the vigil with Jesus as he prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane during the hours before his betrayal and crucifixion. Perhaps some have thought, “If only I had been there, I might have helped our Lord.“ Others look for an opportunity in their daily activities to be steadfast in the calling, realizing that his watch is perpetual to the present hour. Remembering the hours when his heart was heavy for the burdens of the world, Jesus has offered in this day and age to watch with God’s children as they go through the trials that he passed through. The following service was dictated to us by the Ascended Master Jesus Christ. It is his offering to a world still fraught with chaos, war, pride, superstition and ignorance. By keeping this vigil sons and daughters of God may pledge their love and faithfulness to watch with Jesus one hour each week as an atonement for those who have failed to do so and in commemoration of those who throughout all ages to come will join them in keeping the faith. Today followers of all religions still believe that the answer to every problem may be found with God. Prayer is the open door through which all blessings flow. It is the avenue of light between heaven and earth. It is talking with God; it is supplication; it is the yearning of the heart. Through prayer, consciousness is mellowed, fears are assuaged as the children of God gain strength, a greater sense of the Infinite and their own place in God’s scheme of things. People the world over become one as they lay their all upon the altar of prayer, and they feel the wondrous joy of the Christ who continues to walk with men. They feel the power of the Holy Spirit and they know that their Redeemer lives. Those who remember the many admonishments of the Master Physician who healed every form of sin, disease and even death may have concepts concerning his doctrine which are not necessarily the fullness of all that he has prepared for his flock in this day and age. His promise to those he left behind was “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.“ If men are to follow Christ’s example and then do even “greater works,“ greater understanding must come forth. Christians today must be willing to accept the progressive revelation of Christ as his law applies to the problems of the twentieth century and to the battle of Armageddon in which we are engaged. Throughout the ages progress has come forth in science, in art and in every area of culture; yet men are reticent to believe that religion, too, must be progressive. When men search for the ultimate and then are convinced they have found it, they close the door to the continuous outpouring of revelation from the heart of God, who gives to each one according to his capacity to receive. Let all who read this document realize that although they may not understand all of the Divine Science which is behind it, they can feel the effects of that science and its mighty laws through the effectual release of spiritual power brought about in its use. We urge all to maintain an open mind and heart and not to be intimidated by age-worn beliefs. We pray with Jesus that some will accept upon faith that which will be evidenced unto them as they are willing to try a new method of prayer, which will be scientifically proven by its use. It behooves the Lightbearers of the world-regardless of church affiliation, regardless of occupation-to unite in a world prayer service perpetually offered twenty-four hours a day, that divine assistance might be invoked for the planet and its people. “Watch With Me“ Jesus’ Vigil of the Hours offers to all the opportunity to build “a new heaven and a new earth“ in this day and age in order that the forces of shadow, bent upon world destruction, may be effectively stayed. Let us not be remembered as the generation which stood upon the barren place and cried, “It might have been.“ Let us be true disciples who shall stand upon the summit of the mount of attainment and say: “It shall be! We decree it so in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!“ Elizabeth Clare Prophet
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