The former high school student Valerka, the cheerful and desperate Yashka the Gypsy, the orphans Danka and his sister Ksanka swore an oath to infiltrate the detachment to Ataman Burnash and avenge him for the death of Danka and Ksanka's father. Danka penetrated the Burnash detachment, but he could not stay “under cover“ for a long time. The boy is waiting for execution, but friends are friends, so as not to leave their comrade in trouble. IMDb rating: 7,4 Year of production: 1966 Directed by: Keosayan Edmond Written by: Ermolinsky Sergey, Keosayan Edmond Music: Mokrousov Boris Operator: Dobronravov Fedor Production Designers: Vasily Golikov, Vitaly Gladnikov Starting by: Churikova Inna, Kramarov Savely, Fedosova Nadezhda, Kopelyan Efim, Kosykh Viktor, Vasiliev Vasily, Kurdyukova Valentina, Metelkin Mikhail, Sichkin Boris, Treshchalov Vladimir, Belokurov Vladimir, Yukhtin Gennady, Sverdlin Lev
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