⭐️ This is a collaboration video with Bella Boo Reborn Nursery. Feel free to check out their channel and watch our collaboration video. XOXO 🧸 Bella Boo Reborn Nursery: 🧸 Our collaboration video: *I truely know that these are reborn dolls, NOT real babies! I make these role-play videos are just for entertainment.* 📹 🧸Welcome to my channel! I love reborns and I love sharing videos with all the reborn lovers from all around the world! 🌎 I hope you enjoy this video as much as I do, and don’t forget to leave a comment to let me know your thoughts about my videos.😉 🥰Thanks for watching! Love you xx 💗 📸Instagram account: emilyxreborns🧸 📬P.O. Box Address: Emily Wong P.O. Box 138 Tuen Mun Central Post Office Hong Kong
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