Title Pages: “Associated British Pathe Presents“ “Pathe News“ “Japan Hails Princess. Technicolour. Pathe News“ Japan Hails Princess Tokyo airport with British and Japanese flags flying as Alexandra disembarks from a . Britannia. She is greeted by Princess Chichibu, widow of the Emperor’s younger brother. Various shots as Princess Alexandra meets dignitaries. L/S of the Emperor’s Imperial palace. The Princess rides through in a parade and waves from her ornate carriage. People wave Japanese flags. Various shots as she arrives at the palace. C/U of a Japanese guardsman in full golden livery. She then moves on to the Imperial Duck Reserve, and with members of the Imperial family she walks along with Crown Prince Akihito. Princess Chichibu takes photographs of the ducks. Akihito’s brother joins them and Princess Alexandra chats to the group. She watches practice “Duck Netting“. A hat is thrown and men with nets on sticks catch it. Then a group of them including the Princess go to the ma
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