Label: Floga Records Band: Drama Noir Title: The Quest of the Unknown Kaddath Album: Nightfall upon the Asylum Kaddath is an ancient city and the home of the dream-gods of Earth, otherwise known as the “Great Old Ones“. Kaddath's precise location in the universe is uncertain. There is even confusion over whether it exists in the dream-world or the waking world. However, it is said that the mountain ranges beyond the Antarctic plateau of Leng may hide the location of Kaddath, even though in The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kaddath, Randolph Carter finds the unknown city further north from the Leng and Inquanok. Artwork by Graphic no Jutsu Video by Hel Pyre Music by Mephisto Lyrics by Apostolos Oroklos Drama Noir: FACEBOOK: BANDCAMP: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: Drama Noir: Tenevris - Vocals Mephisto - G
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