A little video I put together as a (late) celebration of the Russian Revolution. These are songs that were sung during or are about the October Revolution and Russian Civil War. 0:00 Интернационал / The Internationale 3:54 Рабочая Марсельеза / Working Marseillaise (Workers’ Marseillaise) 7:12 Варшавянка / Varshavianka 10:54 Полюшка-поле / Polyushka-pole (Meadow lands) 14:03 Проводы / Send-off (Bolshevik Leaves Home) 16:11 Марш Буденного / March of Budyonny (We are the Red Cavalry) 18:15 Там вдали за рекой / There, Far Beyond the River 21:39 Песня о Щорсе / Song about Shchors 24:20 Смело, товарищи, в ногу / Boldly, Comrades, in Step 26:24 Каховка / Kakhovka 28:20 Молодая гвардия (Вперёд заре навстречу) / Young Guard (Forward to Meet the Dawn) 31:20 Орлёнок / Eaglet 35:01 Смело мы в бой пойдём / Boldly We Go into Battle 38:56 Тачанка / Tachanka 41:03 Яблочко / Yablochko (Little Apple) 43:41 Мы - кузне
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