Somewhere in an alternate universe in the sands of time this masterpiece exists... And did I do all 151 Pokémon? You bet your nostalgia lovin ass I did. Also a bonus pokemon at the end for anyone who played red or blue as a kid 😁 Shout out to Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio for the sick synth track Please let me know in the comments if you would like me to do a 2nd gen #darkfantasy #pokemon #midjourney #ai 00:00 - Intro 00:05 - Bulbasaur 00:10 - Ivysaur 00:15 - Venusaur 00:20 - Charmander 00:25 - Charmeleon 00:30 - Charizard 00:35 - Squirtle 00:40 - Wartortle 00:45 - Blastoise 00:50 - Caterpie 00:55 - Metapod 01:00 - Butterfree 01:05 - Weedle 01:10 - Kakuna 01:15 - Beedrill 01:20 - Pidgey 01:25 - Pidgeotto 01:30 - Pidgeot 01:35 - Rattata 01:40 - Raticate 01:45 - Spearow 01:50 - Fearow 01:55 - Ekans 02:00 - Arbok 02:05 - Pikachu 02:10 - Raichu 02:15 - Sandshrew 02:20 - Sandslash 02:25 - Nidoran♀ 02:30 - Nidorina 02:35 - Nidoqueen 02:40 - Nidoran♂ 02:45 - Nidorino 02:50 - Nidoking 02:55 - Clefairy 03:00 - Clefable 03:05 - Vulpix 03:10 - Ninetales 03:15 - Jigglypuff 03:20 - Wigglytuff 03:25 - Zubat 03:30 - Golbat 03:35 - Oddish 03:40 - Gloom 03:45 - Vileplume 03:50 - Paras 03:55 - Parasect 04:00 - Venonat 04:05 - Venomoth 04:10 - Diglett 04:15 - Dugtrio 04:20 - Meowth 04:25 - Persian 04:30 - Psyduck 04:35 - Golduck 04:40 - Mankey 04:45 - Primeape 04:50 - Growlithe 04:55 - Arcanine 05:00 - Poliwag 05:05 - Poliwhirl 05:10 - Poliwrath 05:15 - Abra 05:20 - Kadabra 05:25 - Alakazam 05:30 - Machop 05:35 - Machoke 05:40 - Machamp 05:45 - Bellsprout 05:50 - Weepinbell 05:55 - Victreebell 06:00 - Tentacool 06:05 - Tentacruel 06:10 - Geodude 06:15 - Graveler 06:20 - Golem 06:25 - Ponyta 06:30 - Rapidash 06:35 - Slowpoke 06:40 - Slowbro 06:45 - Magnemite 06:50 - Magneton 06:55 - Farfetch’d 07:00 - Doduo 07:05 - Dodrio 07:10 - Seel 07:15 - Dewgong 07:20 - Grimer 07:25 - Muk 07:30 - Shellder 07:35 - Cloyster 07:40 - Gastly 07:45 - Haunter 07:50 - Gengar 07:55 - Onix 08:00 - Drowzee 08:05 - Hypno 08:10 - Krabby 08:15 - Kingler 08:20 - Voltorb 08:25 - Electrode 08:30 - Exeggcute 08:35 - Exeggutor 08:40 - Cubone 08:45 - Marowak 08:50 - Hitmonlee 08:55 - Hitmonchan 09:00 - Lickitung 09:05 - Koffing 09:10 - Weezing 09:15 - Rhyhorn 09:20 - Rhydon 09:25 - Chansey 09:30 - Tangela 09:35 - Kangaskhan 09:40 - Horsea 09:45 - Seadra 09:50 - Goldeen 09:55 - Seaking 10:00 - Staryu 10:05 - Starmie 10:10 - Mr. Mime 10:15 - Scyther 10:20 - Jynx 10:25 - Electabuzz 10:30 - Magmar 10:35 - Pinsir 10:40 - Tauros 10:45 - Magikarp 10:50 - Gyarados 10:55 - Lapras 11:00 - Ditto 11:05 - Eevee 11:10 - Vaporeon 11:15 - Jolteon 11:20 - Flareon 11:25 - Porygon 11:30 - Omanyte 11:35 - Omastar 11:40 - Kabuto 11:45 - Kabutops 11:50 - Aerodactyl 11:55 - Snorlax 12:00 - Articuno 12:05 - Zapdos 12:10 - Moltres 12:15 - Dratini 12:20 - Dragonair 12:25 - Dragonite 12:30 - Mewtwo 12:35 - Mew 12:40 - ???
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