This thought-provoking short film introduces contemporary street art in Japan through the imagery and thoughts of three internationally renowned artists: ESOW, AIKO, and the duo KAMI & SASU, who also go by the name HITOTZUKI. Each of them speaks about their culture and what compels them to create art in the streets while Tokyo's sights and sounds, expertly recorded, provide a sensory view of the metropolis. Producer: Kenichi Yamamura, Director: Shinsuke Tatsukawa Assistant Director: Masashi Nagara Art Director: Tomori Furukawa, Camera Crew: Shinsuke Tatsukawa, Masashi Nagara, Hiharu Takagi Translator: Chris Hammond Special Thanks: Ethel Seno, John Toba, Nick Wiedner Music: TIMBER / Performed by COLDCUT Written by MATT BLACK (PRS) JON MORE (PRS) STUART WARREN-HILL (PRS) Published by JUST ISN'T MUSIC LTD c/o THIRD SIDE AMERICA (ASCAP) Courtesy of Ninja Tune Like MOCA on Facebook: Follow MOCA on Twitter: 1 MOCA on Google :
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