In this animated parody of The Batman trailer, Alfred becomes clingier than a grappling hook, Catwoman gets her hackles up, Riddler questions the intelligence of his Starbucks attendant and Batman takes his considerable anger out on everyone and everything he encounters, plus interest. 🔎 HIDDEN BREADCRUMBS! Can you find 5 OTHER BATMAN SYMBOLS in this video? (Check the end screen for which specific ones) 🥪 HIDDEN SANDWICH! Each Toon Sandwich video contains a secret hidden sandwich. Can you find it? To SUBSCRIBE: 😀 To JOIN: 😇 To BECOME a PATRON: 😇 For ArtSpear MERCHANDISE: 👕 For ArtSpear MUSIC: 🎵 (thank you so much!) Keep up-to-date with all things ARTSPEAR: 👤 👤 📷 🐦 TOON SANDWICH - THE FULL PLATTER! (All our animations in one all-you-can-eat playlist) ▶️ TOON SANDWICH - Seasoning 7 (Animations from 2021) ▶️ THE VOID: REBOOTED (Our live-action-packed comedy series about a never-ending film production) ▶️ Toon Sandwich LIFE (The misadventures of Toon Sandwich creators Joe & Rita and their animated houseguests) ▶️ Sandwich Making (In-depth looks at the making of some of our biggest Toon Sandwiches) ▶️ Sandwich Press (Joe & Rita talk all things ArtSpear and Toon Sandwich) ▶️ Thanks for watching! We hope you enjoyed this sandwich! 😃 ______________________________________________
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