SCAVENGERS is a feature animation project currently under development from the award-winning Illogic Studios. The film follows the journey of JIMMY – a lazy rat – and NINA – a resourceful frog living in a gigantic city made of trash. While it may not look like the best place to hang out, to them and the other creatures living here, it is a paradise where they can find everything they need. Everything is perfect… until the day the garbage truck stops coming. CREDITS: film by: ILLOGI STUDIOS instagram: @illogicstudio Produced and directed by: Victor Caire, Théophile Dufresne, Gabriel Grapperon, Lucas Navarro. Animation: Thomas Bozovic, Florian Babikian, Xavier Carrobourg. CG supervisor: Gabriel Grapperon Rigging: Ahmed Shalaby, Mohamed El-Deeb, Anas El-Kenawy, Mohamed Habib, Karim Nabil. Enviro artist: Lucas Navarro, Nathan Vidal, Thibaut Erneneux, Jimmy Natchoo, Anaïs Pausé, Valentin Tournebize. Lighting/compositing: Lucas Navarro, Anouk Nedellec. Fx: Toufik Mekbel, Amaury Emond, Antoine Pages Groom: Laura Guerreiro, Rémy Lao. Sculpt/look dev: Tristan Machet, Swann Valenza, Julia Monti. Art direction: Kian Kiani, Miguel Membreño, Charlie Pradeau, Charles Di Cicco Cast: Jon Wolfson as Jimmy, Lyssa Graham as Nina, Connie Katz as The Lizard, Sean Antony as The Ravens. Pipeline developer: Marius Jenin Music composer: Jérôme Navarro Foley and re-recording: Pierre-François Renouf, Studio Le Refuge Consulting/strategy: The Animation Showcase, Benoit Berthe Siward, Céline Ufenast ©2023 ILLOGIC STUDIOS SUBSCRIBE to CGMeetup for more inspiring content! Watch More CGI & VFX Animated Short Films: VFX Breakdowns, Making of & Behind the Scene: FOLLOW US: Website: YouTube Facebook Twitter Google Cgmeetup Dailymotion Pinterest Instagram WANT TO GET FEATURED? All CGI artists, studios or schools who would like their work featured or published on CGMeetup please apply below. We’re looking for short films, commercial spots, breakdowns, showreels etc. Submit here → Contact us here → info@ or info@ Please Note: All videos are uploaded after written copyright permission from respected Artists, Studios or Schools Or part of the Creative Commons license. For more details or to dispute please contact us at info@ or info@ ABOUT CGMeetup: CGMeetup is the #1 inspiration resource for all CGI, VFX, 3D and Digital artists. We feature a wide variety of CGI content including behind-the- scenes, vfx breakdowns, short films & showreels. CGMeetup also serves as networking resource for CGI Professionals. Professionals use CGMeetup to exchange ideas, knowledge & job opportunities. CGI Feature Teaser: “SCAVENGERS“ by Illogic Studios | CGMeetup CGMeetup #cgi #animation #animated #3d #shortfilm #short #animatedshortfilm
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