Journey to a world where nothing is as it seems with #Iwájú, an all-new limited series from Disney Animation and Kugali Media. “Iwájú” is an original animated series set in a futuristic Lagos, Nigeria. The exciting coming-of-age story follows Tola, a young girl from the wealthy island, and her best friend, Kole, a self-taught tech expert, as they discover the secrets and dangers hidden in their different worlds. All episodes are now streaming on Disney . Follow Disney Animation Studios: Instagram: TikTok: @disneyanimation?lang=en Facebook: Subscribe to DisneyMusicVEVO 🔔 for all the latest Disney music videos: @DisneyMusicVEVO?sub_confirmation=1 Follow Disney Music: Instagram: TikTok: @disneymusic X: Facebook: https:
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