~ Originally released as part of the Weekly Shonen Jump lineup, BLEACH the manga continues to capture readers’ hearts throughout the world with over 130 million volumes sold to date. The 366-episode-long epic anime TV series BLEACH found its start back in October of 2004 and led to four feature films. Now, “Thousand-Year Blood War”, the concluding arc of the iconic anime, is finally about to unfold. For the occasion, eminent anime maestro Tomohisa Taguchi brings his unique visual sense as Series Director and Series Composition. Joining the team are BLEACH anime veterans Shiro SAGISU (musician) and Masashi Kudo (character designer). And to bring it all to life once again is studio Pierrot for animation production. The team of talented veterans is ready for the final showdown. What awaits Ichigo Kurosaki? ~ *Hey guys, its your boy Dobby here aka Jubu :) Just wanted to clear something up, ive been asked bout it before, in regards to wearing the mask and why i do. Well the an
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