Wangjaesan Light Music Band Vol. 63 - Kim Un Ryong’s Composition 2 왕재산경음악단 제63집 - 김운룡작곡집 2 Ансамбль лёгкой музыки Ванчжэсан. Альбом №63. “Ким Ун Рён – музыкальные произведения (3)“ * Ким Ул Лён - по правилам транскрипции 01) [00:00] He Is Our Spiritual Mainstay / 마음의 기둥입니다 / Он – наш духовный оплот Instrumental music and singing 02) [03:41] They Were Always Together / 언제나 함께 계셨네 / Они всегда были вместе Female duet with chorus behind the stage - Kim Song Ok, Hyon Song Wol 03) [07:55] On a Spring Day in a Strange Land / 타향의 봄날에 / Весенним днём в чужом краю Female duet with chorus behind the stage - Kim Myong Ok, Jong Myong Sin 04) [12:14] The Lawn Tinged with Green / 잔디는 푸르러 / Газон зеленеет Female trio with chorus behind the stage 05) [16:22] Still Remaining Faithful to DIU Banner / 오늘도 나는 서 있네 / Остаёмся верны флагу Антиимпериалистического Союза Female solo with chorus behind the stage - O Jong Yun 06) [20:40] We Serve the General / 장군님 위하여 복무함 / Мы служим Полководцу Instrumental music and singing 07) [23:22] General Shortens a Hundred Miles to a Span / 장군님 축지법 쓰신다 / Полководец сокращает сотни километров Female trio with chorus behind the stage 08) [26:05] Let’s Take Pride in Mt. Kuwol / 자랑하자 구월산 / Будем гордиться горой Куволь Female duet with chorus behind the stage - Kim Myong Ok, Pak In Ok 09) [29:08] The General and Children / 장군님과 아이들 / Полководец и дети Female duet with chorus behind the stage - Kim Song Ok, Hyon Song Wol 10) [31:59] News from Pyongyang / 평양소식 / Новости из Пхеньяна Female solo with chorus behind the stage - Ryom Chong 11) [34:48] Reunification Arirang / 통일아리랑 / Ариран объединения Female solo with chorus behind the stage - Jong Sun Nyo 12) [37:39] No Let Up! / 멈추지 말자 / Не прекращать Female trio with chorus behind the stage \\ Kim Myong Ok, Kim Sun Hui, Jong Myong Sin \\ 13) [40:10] Fireworks / 축포 / Фейерверк Female solo with chorus behind the stage - Hyon Song Wol 14) [43:01] Our Soldiers Are Happy / 병사들은 행복하여라 / Наши солдаты счастливы Female duet with chorus behind the stage - Kim Song Ok, Kim Ok Sun 15) [46:04] We Will Follow You / 우리는 따르렵니다 / Мы будем следовать за вами Instrumental music and singing 16) [50:04] Let’s Become Satellites of the Sun / 태양의 위성이 되자 / Станем спутниками Солнца Female solo with chorus behind the stage - Ryom Chong ............................................................................................ NOTE - It is not original copy from the CD. It is the result of searching of the songs on the web (according the information from the catalogue). Download | Скачать MP3 (128-320 kbps) - Listen in VK | Слушать в ВК -
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