A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A JR. SUPER SPECIAL AGENT A Mind is a terrible thing to waste. Built boys that mend men’ ’Outta my mind but where my feet are with Super-sneaks. It’s one thing to dance with your feet and another your heart The Life of Max: a Jr. FBI Special Agent & his super-kicks If you grow a brain in a lab, will it have a mind of its own? How do you know that you aren’t just a brain in a vat of bubbling chemicals, hooked up to a virtual-reality simulator? The Glitch Shoes Productions and IMAGINEERwriter, Joel Brown is excited to bring attention to a brand-new, foot-tapping, kick-flipping action-packed AMAZON scifi fantasy crime drama that takes viewers inside the day of a life of a Jr. FBI special agent and Missing Kid. The procedural docufiction drama, “Frequency Foresight: A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A JR. SUPER SPECIAL AGENT,” follows your not so average estranged tween and distant father who calls forth the things that be not as though they were with one’s guitar and another’s pair of super-tap dancing shoes. Who are both Special Agents of FBI’s Missing Person’s Unit (MPU). The phenomenal guitar playing, Max gets recruited in the unit, after he goes missing and his super shoes gives him a leg up into the position. When an electric guitar amplifier picks up an anonymous frequency and sends an adolescent boy signals, that communicate to him through sound-bites and music, that predict future missing kid abductions when he plays. Since everyone thinks he’s just a shoe addict and nobody won’t believe him, he points out his finds in his songs on a private radio station for FBI ears only titled, “Frequency Foresight.“ Until an abduction that hits close to home takes him down a road on a collision course series of intersecting lives and incidents that unravels a paradox within itself. While he goes through the heartbreaking search for his estranged father, the Glitchy Dancer as Max uses his determination to save other kids from becoming missing. Check it out at on @amazon at
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