The story follows a group of addicts who attend therapy to avoid being sent to prison, while a TV journalist goes undercover and joins the group to try and expose this as a scam. However, all of their lives are thrown into chaos by the beginning of an alien invasion 2016. Stars: Jon-Paul Gates, Jonathan Jules, Steven M. Smith *Licensed from Bruder Releasing Inc. All rights reserved* Greetings Earthlings! *SUBSCRIBE TO SCI-FI CENTRAL!* - 👽🛸👾🚀🪐 WATCH MORE FREE SCI-FI CONTENT RIGHT HERE! - 🚀 Full Action Sci-Fi Movies: 🪐 Full Sci-Fi Movies: 🤖 Full Horror Sci-Fi Movies: 👽 Full UFO Documentaries: 👾 Full Conspiracy Documentaries: 🛸 Full Roswell Documentaries: 🛰️ The Picco Incident | Full Web Series: https://
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