Disclaimer: Russian humor, like humor in any culture, can vary widely and may not always translate well due to cultural and linguistic nuances. -- A joke before the operation: In the questionnaire that I filled before the operation, there was a question: who to call in case of emergency? I wrote: a more qualified surgeon! -- Description of the joke: A joke that in the questionnaire before the operation to the question of who to call in case of emergency, the author indicated “a more qualified surgeon,“ plays on fears and disturbing moments that may arise before the operation. This is a humorous way to cope with nervousness and emphasize the importance of choosing an experienced and qualified surgeon for surgery. Remember that humor is often culturally specific, and what might be funny to one person might not be to another. Also, it's important to be sensitive to cultural contexts and avoid jokes that could be offensive or disrespectful. tags: #joke #jo
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