I feel the need to bead! -- LIVE. LOVE. CREATE! Welcome to The Bead Gallery! We are a local bead and jewelry store in the heart of Honolulu. Since 1997, we’ve been teaching, beading, and creating custom designs for our friends around the world! We specialize in curated gemstones, hand-selected beads, handmade glass beads, original project tutorials, and a multitude of kits and DIY projects! For more information, questions, or if you need any assistance, email us at: request@ or text us at 808-436-4930. Thanks for the love, ALOHA, & support! Jamie, Jason & The Bead Gallery Gang **************** Visit us in Honolulu, Hawaii at our brick and mortar store, or 24/7 at Mobile TEXT Phone for product inquiries: 808-436-4930 Product Inquiries: request@ -- Website: Facebook: Instagram: http://i
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