Due to a series of accidental events, five young men find themselves in the modern world, surrounded by things they’ve never encountered before. However, they continue on their journey to accomplish each of their goals by turning to the marvel of the Internet. ▼DEBUT STREAM LINK Luca Kaneshiro (ルカ・カネシロ) Shu Yamino (闇ノシュウ) Ike Eveland (アイク・イーヴランド) Mysta Rias (ミスタ・リアス) Vox Akuma (ヴォックス・アクマ) #Luxiem_VTuberDebut #NIJISANJI_EN #NIJISANJI -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Luxiem“ debut special streaming program information including debut livestream relay! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The debut special streaming program will be livestreamed on the NIJISANJI English Official YouTube channel on the following date and time: Sunday, December 19th, 2021 from 4 PM (PST) Monday, D
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