You can find the Frontend Mentor project here: And the free Scrimba course here: 🔗 Links ✅ Why I use HSL: ✅ More on feature queries (@supports): ✅ More info on .sr-only: ✅ CSS-Tricks article on disabling animations while resizing the viewport: ✅ Frontend Mentor: ✅ Scrimba: ⌚ Timestamps 00:00 - Introduction 01:23 - What we are starting with 03:38 - The flex utility class I am using 04:48 - Basic styling to get started 06:41 - The ... #Kevin_Powell #css #front-end #frontend #html #tutorial #responsive_navbar #responsive_menu #responsive_menu_bar 20211116 HbBMp6yUXO0
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