Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is property of Hirohiko Araki, David Productions and Tokyo MX Warner Brothers Entertainment. This is a fan-made soundtrack dedicated to Jojo's Bizarre Adventure created by Hirohiko Araki, specifically for Part 7, also known as Steel Ball Run. There is no announced anime adaptation for it and I'm in no way associated with David Production, VizMedia or other distributors. This is just a fan-based project. This is the first ACT (CD1) of the four planned albums released for this project. It includes 19 already showcased music, and 2 unrevealed/bonus tracks: one of them is an extended cut/OST mix of an already existing song, while the other one is a previously unreleased and totally new/original track. All tracks included in this project are FREE to use for any kind of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure related fan-made projects. It can be a video, a podcast, or even fan-games. You're free to use them! All tracks composed by: Gwinn https://
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