


Prayer to St John of Shanghai. Akathist Hymn to St John of Shanghai

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Молитва святителю Иоанну Шанхайскому и Сан-Францисскому, чудотворцу. Акафист святителю Иоанну Шанхайскому на английском языке, 9 октября 2022 года. O beloved Hierarch John, good shepherd and beholder of the hearts and minds of men! Thou prayest for us now at the throne of God, as thou thyself didst say after thy death: “Even though I have died, yet am I alive.“ Beseech the most compassionate God, that He grant us forgiveness of sins, that we may come wakefully to our senses, and cry out to God, asking that we be given the spirit of humility, the fear of God and piety in all the ways of our life. As thou wast a merciful nurturer of orphans and a skilled instructor on earth, be thou now a guide and Christian understanding for us amid the turmoil of the Church; hearken to the groaning of the troubled youth of our corrupt times, who are tempest-tossed by most wicked demonic possession, and mercifully regard the despondency of our weak pastors, caused by the inroads of the corrupting spirit of this world, and who languish in idle indifference. Hasten thou to make supplication, we cry to thee with tears, O fervent advocate; visit us, who are orphaned, scattered over the face of all the world and in our homeland, astray in the darkness of the passions, yet who by our feeble love are drawn to the light of Christ and await thy fatherly instruction; that, having acquired piety, we may be shown to be heirs of the kingdom of heaven, where thou abidest with all the saints, glorifying our Lord Jesus Christ, to Whom be honor and dominion, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. Преосвященнейший Кирилл, епископ Звенигородский, ректор Московской духовной академии, настоятель протоиерей Даниил Андреюк, иерей Павел Зуев, диакон Афанасий Огерук, хор под руководством матушки Веры Андреюк, прихожане храма святой великомученицы Екатерины на Всполье и богомольцы из Москвы и других городов России.

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