🎵 The Amazing World of Gumball is a 240-episode British-American animated series derived from a surreal comedy made for Cartoon Network. First aired on May 3, 2011, and ended on June 24, 2019. The series revolves around the life of 12-year-old Gumball Watterson, a blue cat and his goldfish best friend - foster brother of 10-year-old Darwin, who attends high school in a fictional city Elmore, California. -- ♫ Please subscribe and watch my other videos too. - Música,gumball music,gumball remix,gumball remix,hindi,the amazing world of gumball,Alan Walker,elmore,funny cartoon,meme,animation,watterson,wattersons,Spectre,funny clips,meme,music,remix song,gumball,the amazing world of gumball,gumball,funny,cartoon,the amazing world of gumball,gumball,gumball and darwin,the amazing world of elmore,amazing world of gumball,cartoon,animation,gumball full episodes,cartoons,Cartoon Network,Funny, Cartoon, Animation, Darwin, Nicole, Anais, Richard, Watterson, Wattersons, Elmore,[NCS Release]
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