Link to the github page: My modified version of the script: #!/bin/sh # Script authored by Alexandre Rouma, tested and modified by Kevin Loughin, KB9RLW, Sept 15th 2021 set -e [ $(id -u) = 0 ] && echo “Please do not run this script as root“ && exit 100 echo “Installing dependencies“ sudo apt update sudo apt install -y build-essential cmake git libfftw3-dev libglfw3-dev libglew-dev libvolk1-dev libsoapysdr-dev libairspyhf-dev libairspy-dev libiio-dev libad9361-dev librtaudio-dev libhackrf-dev librtlsdr-dev libbladerf-dev liblimesuite-dev p7zip-full wget # get the source cd ~/Desktop git clone cd SDRPlusPlus echo “Preparing build“ mkdir -p build cd build cmake .. -DOPT_BUILD_LIMESDR_SOURCE=ON -DOPT_BUILD_SDRPLAY_SOURCE=ON echo “Building“ make echo “Installing“ sudo make install echo “Done!“
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