Directed & written by Alina Rancier DP: Isabel Padilla Editor: Eren Gulfidan Art Direction Assistant: Ana Valeria Castillo PA: Felipe Esteban Colourist: Marina Frigerio HMU: Jeanna Paredes Cast: Angelo Whitehead, Ana Valeria Castillo, Nicolle Marquez, Felipe Esteban Special thanks to Nica Fazio for the camera Produced by Studio Amala Lyrics: Bad dreams every night Pole star hidden by gathering clouds Still so passionate But we’re both too old to be here by now Cos it’s too late For universal heartbreak Cos it’s too late Tell me you’ll be here always, always Come on Drive home every night Fall asleep gently in the winding roads Angels watchful eyes Keep us crying but safe from harm But it’s too late For universal heartbreak But it’s too late Tell me you’ll be here always, always
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