Third album from the legendary russian band Kino. Originally released in 1984 on reel-to-reel tape, this rip comes from the original 1994 CD issue (Moroz Records, MR 94011 CD). Кино-Начальник-Камчатки/release/1636804 1. Последний Герой ~ Posledniy Geroy 0:00 2. Каждую Ночь ~Kazhduyu Noch’ 2:56 3. Транквилизатор ~ Trankvilizator 5:57 4. Сюжет Для Новой Песни ~ Syuzhet Dlya Novoy Pesni 11:33 5. Гость ~ Gost’ 13:46 6. Камчатка ~ Kamchatka 17:46 7. Ария Мистера X ~ Aria Mistera X 20:40 8. Троллейбус ~ Trolleybus 22:58 9. Растопите Снег ~ Rastopite Sneg 25:24 10. Дождь Для Нас ~ Dozhd’ Dlya Nash 27:18 11. Хочу Быть С Тобой ~ Xochu Byt’ S Toboy 30:40 12. Генерал ~ General 33:10 13. Прогулка Романтика ~ Progulka Romantika 36:40 © ℗ 1994 Moroz Records. This album has been uploaded in the hope that it will reach the ears of more listeners. However, if you are the copyright holder of this music and want this video removed, send me a message and I will do so! Video made from personal rip and scans.
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