Kareena Kapoor Khan exclusively interacts with Zoom and talks about Prabhas, parenting and career advice, Laal Singh Chaddha, trolling and more. Kareena speaks about taking risks at the beginning of career, Laal Singh Chaddha being an official adaptation of Forrest Gump and trolling. The actress also talks about her son Taimur, his first match with Saif Ali Khan, not taking advice about her career and parenting. She also reacts to the recent pregnancy rumours, being a person and not a brand, fee hike for her role as ‘Sita’. Listen In! #kareenakapoor #taimur #prabhas ZOOM is India's premier Hindi entertainment television channel, broadcasting Hindi entertainment, original programming, as well as current music and chartbuster songs. Get all the latest entertainment news, celebrity news, Bollywood gossips. K-pop stars & Hollywood stars. Zoom is a part of the Times Network, which is owned by The Times Group, India's largest media conglomerate. Zoom also aims to give viewers with or
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