Sky News host Rita Panahi has weighed in after singer Lady Gaga slammed the media over its response to an image of her with Dylan Mulvaney calling it ’appalling’. Dylan Mulvaney on Friday posted to Instagram a photo with Gaga to celebrate International Women’s Day. “I’ve tried to ignore this bit of sad lunacy but Lady Gaga has come out today crying about the supposed transphobic hate, after she decided to celebrate a man who mocks girls and girlhood, Dylan Mulvaney,” Ms Panahi said. “She just decided to celebrate Dylan Mulvaney as this symbol of womanhood for International Women’s Day, surprise, surprise there was a reaction. “The reason you were mocked Lady Gaga is because of all the amazing women in the world you chose to celebrate the attention-seeking dude who mocks womanhood or girlhood as he calls it.”
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