Title: The Dark Knight Rises: Unveiling the Origin and Enduring Legacy of DC's Batman Introduction: In the sprawling metropolis of Gotham City, a figure emerges from the shadows, his cape billowing in the night breeze as he strikes fear into the hearts of criminals. He is the Dark Knight, the Caped Crusader, the World's Greatest Detective—Batman. With his complex backstory, formidable skills, and unwavering dedication to justice, Batman has become one of the most iconic and enduring superheroes in the DC Universe. Let's delve into the origin and rich history of the masked vigilante known as Batman. The Birth of Batman: Batman made his first appearance in “Detective Comics“ #27 in May 1939, created by writer Bill Finger and artist Bob Kane. Debuting in the midst of the Golden Age of comics, Batman was a departure from the colorful, superpowered heroes of the time, presenting readers with a darker, more grounded character. Origin Story: The origin of Batman be
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