Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is a 1972 British musical film based on Lewis Carroll's 1865 novel of the same name and its 1871 sequel, Through the Looking-Glass, directed by Australian television producer-director William Sterling. It had a distinguished ensemble cast with a musical score by John Barry and lyrics, Don Black Fiona Fullerton - Alice Hywel Bennett - Duckworth Michael Crawford - White Rabbit Robert Helpmann - Mad Hatter Michael Hordern - Mock Turtle Michael Jayston - Dodgson Davy Kaye - Mouse Roy Kinnear - Cheshire Cat Spike Milligan - Gryphon Dudley Moore - Dormouse Dennis Price - King of Hearts Ralph Richardson - Caterpillar Flora Robson - Queen of Hearts Peter Sellers - March Hare Rodney Bewes - Knave of Hearts Runtime 1 hr 41 min (101 min) 1 hr 35 min (95 min) (USA) Sound Mix Mono Color Color (Eastmancolor) Aspect Ratio : 1 Laboratory Rank Film Laboratories, Denham, UK Negative Format 35 mm Cinematog
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