“革命不是请客吃饭,不是做文章,不是绘画绣花,不能那样雅致,那样从容不迫,文质彬彬,那样温良恭俭让。革命是暴动,是一个阶级推翻一个阶级的暴烈的行动。” ——毛泽东主席 “A revolution is not a dinner party, or writing an essay, or painting a picture, or doing embroidery; it cannot be so refined, so leisurely and gentle, so temperate, kind, courteous, restrained and magnanimous. A revolution is an insurrection, an act of violence by which one class overthrows another.“ —Chairman Mao Zedong 0:00 东方红 (The East Is Red) 3:40 毛主席的声音传四方 (Chairman Mao’s Voice Resonates in All Directions) 5:07 生活在毛泽东时代 (Living in the Mao Era) 7:00 全世界人民热爱毛主席 (People Around the World Love Chairman Mao) 8:30 读毛主席的书 (Reading Chairman Mao’s Book) 10:20 毛主席的书是革命的宝 (Chairman Mao’s Book is the Treasure of the Revolution) 11:43 延边人民热爱毛主席 (The Yanbian People Love Chairman Mao) 13:55 敬祝毛主席万寿无疆 (Long Live Chairman Mao) 16:17 毛泽东思想永放光芒 (Mao Zedong’s Thought Will Forever Shine) 19:10 毛主席派人来 (Chairman Mao Has Sent Us) 22:10 颂歌献给毛主席 (Ode to Chairman Mao) 24:26 绣金匾 (Embroider a Golden Silk Banner) 27:38 毛主席来到咱农庄 (Chairman Mao Came to Our Farm) 29:30 贫下中农最爱毛主席 (Poor Peasants Love Chairman Mao the Most) 31:24 毛主席号召学大寨 (Chairman Mao Told Us to Learn from Dazhai) 34:43 我们是毛主席的红卫兵 (We Are Chairman Mao’s Red Guards) 38:20 跟着毛主席跟着党 (Follow Chairman Mao, Follow the Party) 40:30 日夜想念毛主席 克里木 (Day and Night Miss Chairman Mao) 43:45 世世代代铭记毛主席的恩情 (Remember the Kindness of Chairman Mao for Generations) 45:38 手捧珍藏的毛主席像 (Holding a Statue of Chairman Mao) 49:21 太阳就是毛泽东 (The Sun is Mao Zedong) 51:07 听毛主席的话到农村去 (Listen to the Words of Chairman Mao) 52:26 万众欢呼毛主席 (The People Cheer for Chairman Mao) 54:09 伟大导师毛泽东 (Great Teacher Mao Zedong) 55:21 伟大的领袖毛主席 (Great Leader Chairman Mao) 57:27 伟大的毛泽东思想灿烂辉煌 (The Great Brilliance of Mao Zedong Thought) 1:00:35 我们是毛主席的战士 (We Are Chairman Mao’s Soldiers) 1:02:57 们心中的红太阳毛主席 (Chairman Mao the Red Sun in Our Hearts) 1:05:38 我凝望着毛主席住过的地方 (I Visited the Place Where Chairman Mao Lived) 1:09:32 毛主席纪念堂 (Chairman Mao’s Memorial Hall) 1:13:27 永远歌唱伟大领袖毛主席 (Forever Sing of the Great Leader Mao Zedong) 1:17:05 永远跟着毛泽东 (Always Follow Mao Zedong) 1:20:16 永远在毛主席身边 (Chairman Mao is Always Around) 1:22:17 永远做毛主席的好战士 (Always Be a Good Soldier of Chairman Mao) 1:23:18 越看越爱毛主席 (Love Chairman Mao More and More) 1:24:59 在毛主席的指挥下统一行动 (Under the Command of Chairman Mao) 1:26:33 战士爱读毛主席的书 (Soldiers Love Reading Chairman Mao’s Book) 1:28:59 毛主席我们永远歌唱您 (We Will Always Sing About Chairman Mao) 1:32:31 天上太阳红彤彤 (The Red Sun Glowing in the Sky) 1:34:17 这就是领袖毛泽东 (This is the Leader Mao Zedong) 1:38:24 这里是毛主席来过的地方 (This is Where Chairman Mao Has Been) 1:42:40 永远忠于毛主席 (Always Loyal to Chairman Mao) 1:44:57 毛泽东同志是当代最伟大的马克思列宁主义者 (Comrade Mao Zedong is the Greatest Marxist-Leninist of our Age) 1:47:11 桥工想念毛主席 (Bridge Workers Miss Chairman Mao) 1:49:56 咱们的领袖毛泽东 (Our Leader Mao Zedong) 1:51:34 咱要去瞻仰毛主席遗容 (I Pay Respects to the Remains of Chairman Mao) 1:53:58 给我力量毛泽东 (Give Me Strength, Mao Zedong) 1:59:32 大海航行靠舵手 (Sailing the Seas Depends on the Helmsman)
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