⭐️Stove train Railroads operated by Japanese private railroad company (Tsugaru Railway) This small local train runs from Tsugaru Goshogawara Station to Tsugaru Nakasato in Aomori Prefecture! There are two stoves in the train, and you can enjoy Japanese winter while enjoying surumeika (Japanese common squid) and sake (Japanese rice wine) from the in-train sales. 0:00 Opening 0:25 The waiting room at Goshogawara station has an old-fashioned atmosphere! Buy cookies at the store and purchase tickets and lunch boxes. 3:34 Eat onigiri (rice ball) at the cafe while waiting for the stove train 5:27 Board the stove train! 7:02 Buy some sake and squid from the stove train vendor! 10:31 Buy some cute Tsugaru Railway goods! 12:18 Delicious Tsugaru Railway special bento box lunch! 15:12 Arrive at the last stop, Tsugaru Nakasato Station. Subtitle collaborator! Thanks for supporting us! Korean and Japanese subtitle cooperation by
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