This is a very brief track at only 1:45 long. It again displays the looking ahead of the people of the West as battle is iminent. It shows Gandalf and friends approach Isengard and see Merry and Pippin feasting on the spoils of war, at which Gimli is quite distressed! For he has been tracking them for a considerable amount of time. In the extended version, Gandalf confronts Saruman and deals with him. Gandalf then instructs Treebeard to watch over Saruman and to not let him leave. Then he and the company go to Rohan. it also highlights Gandalf and Pippin’s departing from Rohan, as the night before Pippin has looked into a Plantir seeing stone and has seen the enemy’s plans of destroying the world of men. The Hope is that Merry and Pippin will be reunited as Pippin is forced to leave his fellow cousin behind.
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