⭐️ Check the description for materials and music! ⭐️ This week I’m continuing from last week’s mermaid video by showing you how I made her tail! My initial plan didn’t work very well, but thankfully I managed to find a solution~ In future I’d like to try it again but using silicone, which I think will work better than latex did. This method was inspired partially by some other great tutorials, particularly by Hextian and AkameruKawaii! I linked those videos below~ In the run up to MCM London Expo (27-29 October) I’ll be preparing lots of dolls, but I won’t be able to make a video on all of them. Make sure you check out my Instagram and Facebook pages so you don’t miss any! SERENITY part one: HEXTIAN’S TAIL TUTORIAL: AKAMERUKAWAII’S TUTORIALS: h
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